Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Final Exam

The famous photographer who stormed Normandy during WW2 is Robert De Capa 11 survived Magma Photos with David Seymour , Henri Carier Breson , George Rodger and William Vandvert 3.

I like this photo because theirs moment, theirs light and dark in the back corner, and how their is a reflection on her glasses.

This is my favorite photo because its focused on the back where their are people passing by, I also like how their is movement on asma's cloths and how theirs Balance in the background.

Its a good benefits to working in groups cause the people in your group can help you on things that you don't understand on the computer. Anthor reason why is good to work in groups is cause they can help you on your missing work and lastly working in a group they can teach you different ways to work a computer.

A great disadvantages to working in groups is always getting help, asking questions on things you dont under stand and lastly they can tell you things that you are missing in class.

Im always here on time i never came late to my favorite class :)

My favorite song from Taylor Swift is "You Belong With Me"

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Three favorite photos

I like this because of the focus on this picture.

I like how the reflection on the glasses show on this picture.

I like how their is light and dark in the back ground in this picture.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Favorite Photo's

 I like this picture because i like how theirs a reflection in the glasses.
 This is my favorite because this was a off guard reaction from her when the sweater was thrown at her.
I like how the light and dark is on her face.